Friday, May 16, 2014

Rick Stein's Marinated Tuna with Passionfruit, Lime and Coriander

If I could lay claim to inventing one dish it would be this one. Unfortunately all credit lies with Rick Stein and I am a mere disciple.

I am a huge fan of raw fish whether it be sashimi, ceviche, kinilaw, ika mata, poisson cru, gravlax or any of the many other raw fish salads that thankfully have survived down through the centuries.

What makes this recipe so different, and so exciting, is the addition of passionfruit. It also differs from many other procedures in that the dressing is only poured onto the raw tuna for the last 10 minutes.

The only variation I made when making it was to substitute a medium-hot yellow/orange chilli called Cheyenne which I had great success growing this year, but the green Rick calls for would be fine.

As with any raw seafood dish the freshness of the tuna here is essential. Buy sashimi grade tuna unless of course you are lucky enough to catch your own! Do take a couple of minutes to trim the fillet of any sinew.

If you make no other raw fish dish, make this one! It is easy, fast and delicious. I served it on one platter instead of individual dishes but serving on individual plates allows each diner to do what I did anyway and literally drink the leftover dressing.

This makes a brilliant appetiser or, served with some leaves and melba toast, an elegant entree.

This is Rick Stein's recipe from his book Coast to Coast. I have abbreviated it somewhat.

Marinated Tuna with Passion-fruit, Lime and Coriander 
Serves 4

3cm thick piece of tuna loin fillet, about 400g
2 small, ripe and wrinkly passionfruit about 35g each
1 tablespoon lime juice
3 tablespoons sunflower oil
1 medium-hot green chilli, seeded and finely chopped
1 teaspoon caster sugar
1 and a 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped coriander
1/2 teaspoon salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Put the piece of tuna loin fillet on to a board and slice it across, in very thin slices. Lay them side by side but close together over the base of four 25cm plates (or on one platter). Cover with cling film and leave in fridge until ready to serve.

Just before serving, make the dressing. Cut the passionfruit in half and scoop the pulp into a sieve set over a bowl. Rub the pulp through the sieve to extract the juice and discard the seeds. There should be a tablespoon of juice. Stir in the lime juice, sunflower oil, green chilli, sugar, coriander, salt and pepper.

To serve, uncover the plates, spoon over the dressing and spread it over the surface of the fish with the back of a spoon. Leave for 10 minutes before serving.


  1. Thanks - I was trying to remember what was in this recipe - I made it years ago - it is a celebration of summer and the best sashimi dressing I have ever had -

    1. You are welcome. It is an amazing flavour combination.
