Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Prodigal Returns

After a year away I am back. I have a hoard of photos, drafts and ideas all ready to go. My absence has been a combination of things but to be honest I really have just been distracted by life itself.

This morning I was reading the Lifestyle section in the Guardian UK and felt the need to share the following article. Although there is so much unpleasantness on this planet it heartens me that there are seriously good writers and journalists out there beavering away to ensure that people like me who have lost their way are put firmly back on track.

Before even getting out of bed I had been transported back to where I wanted to be in the middle of new restaurants, current food trends, great links to follow up and, vicariously, eating and buying food from around the world. We all need a little helping hand to put the fire back in the belly every now and then.

Guardian UK article

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