Monday, April 1, 2013

Finger Limes

I purchased some finger limes at Grandpa's Garden in Narooma over the Easter weekend. They are grown locally and I grab them whenever I see them.  I have two small trees growing happily in pots at present in Canberra but I will have to bring them to Narooma for winter or treat them like royalty in the sunroom in Canberra (a bit like L'Orangerie du Versailles) until they are a bit more grown up. They haven't fruited as yet but by next year I could be in luck. I ordered mine online from Daley's Fruit Nursery and they are a green variety.

Although I will not argue that they look a little like wrinkly cocktail frankfurters, their external appearance is not what is important here. Sliced down the middle their little hidden jewels are revealed. The little 'crystals'  really do look like caviar. This NSW Government Fact Sheet has information on the different varieties as well as cultivation notes.

I paired them with some Wagonga Inlet oysters, freshly shucked by my very own oyster shucking daughter. The result was, as expected, sensational.

I have been conducting some research into other ways to use the fruit and one that could become a firm favourite is to add to a gin and tonic. I will conduct that experiment this afternoon!

Post Script: Experiment completed and the result was positive!

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