Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shadows of Blue and Whitestone

I have been missing in action. The action involved a house purchase, children arriving for Xmas from overseas and a wedding of one of the said children. It seemed that every time I thought about blogging my unpaid work as a financial planner, wedding planner, travel consultant, event manager and dog minder all seemed to get in the way. I still mind the dog but the other occupations have evaporated so I am back.

With the troops all back in their respective locations I paid a solitary, but not lonely, visit to the markets, the main purpose being to visit Eco Meats to get my knives sharpened. Eco Meats stocks a good line of deli items and cheeses. My eyes hit upon an old favourite, Gippsland Tarago River Cheese Company 'Shadows of Blue'. As the bushfires were burning in the Gippsland area of Victoria I felt a little pang and bought the cheese. This cheese (and many other blues) goes really well with the Hot Jalapeno Jelly from Food Lovers at the markets. I have never been disappointed with this cheese.

Down at Narooma last week I ventured into the local supermarket to replenish some staples. I gravitated to the cheese section at the entrance and was pleased to see some new varieties on sale. I had left the Shadows of Blue back in Canberra so I selected a NZ Whitestone Vintage Windsor Blue. What a great surprise. The other cheeses by Whitestone are on my list for next time.

I will add to the post with some favourite blue cheese recipes and ideas but I thought I had better make a start in case I was consigned to the 'oh she started a blog but didn't go on with it' category of bloggers.

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